
New School Year, New Resolutions

Some of our results here at Inkerman Tutors this summer were fantastic. One student leapt from a C to a A* in his maths A Level retake, enabling him to take up a much-wanted university offer. Another outperformed his Economics mock exam by 2 grades, finally achieving an A in his A Level.

The GCSE results were also impressive with most of our students seeing real improvement in the core subjects of English, maths and science. No-one comes to tutoring because they are happy with the level they’re working at, so here is the proof that tutoring WORKS! It engages the student and enables them when they are feeling overwhelmed. At GCSE in particular, our children are often required to study subjects that they don’t love or find easy, and to have a qualified and experienced teacher sit with them and help them find their way through is empowering.

We also have great native-speaking language tutors, and cater for the more niche A Level subjects such as Law, Philosophy and Computer Studies. All our tutors are personally known to us and valued for their qualifications, experience and conscientiousness.

At both A Level and GCSE the syllabuses are changing all the time. In a busy school, a teacher with several duties to fulfil may find herself on the back foot at the start of certain years. Our tutors will familiarise themselves thoroughly with your syllabus (if they don’t already know it) before they meet you and guide you carefully.

More lessons = more understanding. Engage your child’s personal tutor early on in the year and they will reap the rewards come exam-time.